Have a greater impact on people when you speak.
Call me to discuss a custom training or coaching program for you or your colleagues.
• Get your own system to feel more confident and in control speaking to anyone.
• Master how to adapt and improve how you speak to your clients, colleagues and the media.
• End the trap of always trying to speak like someone else. Discover and use the power of your natural speaking style.
• Learn in an exclusive 1-on-1 format to experience how to speak the way you want to—and should.
Kais Rahimtulla
Communication Coach | Media Trainer
Founder, KR CSCHOOL for Great Communicators.
+91 9930931613 | kaisr@kaisrahimtulla.com
Ideas you can use
• Three powerful concepts to speak with clarity, confidence and command to anyone.
• Why you should train to speak to the media, even if you are not a company spokesperson yet.
• Be confident to write your message, even if you don’t need to write for your business.